Loker terkini medan di Rumah Sakit Murni Teguh Memorial Medan
Jumat, 31 Maret 2017
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Loker terkini Medan. Informasi Terbaru Loker terkini Medan April 2017 di Rumah Sakit Murni Teguh Memorial Medan yang Merupakan salah satu Rumah Sakit Swasta kelas B yang berlokasikan di Jalan Jawa No. 2 Pusat Kota Medan. Murni Teguh Memorial Hospital pertama kali diusulkan oleh dr. Mutiara,MHA,MKT dan team. Pembentukan itu sendiri diharapkan dapat menjadi cerminan kebaikan kepada orang lain yang akan menjadi kenangan sepanjang masa.
Saat ini Murni Teguh Memorial Hospital membuka Lowongan Kerja membutuhkan tenaga-tenaga IT yang professional untuk diposisikan sebagai:
- Conduct Business and user requirements analysis
- Coordinate with users and developers in software development project
- Software testing and implementation
- User training and create documentation/user guide to help user to use the application
- Quality Assurance and Software Tester
- Bachelor's Degree in IT Related fields with minimum GPA 3.00
- Age Max 30 years old
- At least 1 year working experience in the related field
- Understand project Management Method
- Experience in working in a team-oriented and collaborative environment
- Excellent communication and interpersonal skills
- Able to understand written English
- Willing to work overtime in order to deliver project on time
- Able to work under pressure
- Fresh graduated are welcomed to apply
- To Develop and maintain web applications
- To do reporting/data generation from DB routinely and also on ad-hoc basic
- Improve and simplify functionalities on existing applications
- Innovation of technology that can enhance the team's development of operational
- Necessary Operational Related tasks
- Age max 30 years old
- Candidate must possess Bachelor's Degree in Information Technology or equivalent with GPA 3.00
- Required skills in Programming language HTML, CSS, Javascript
- Experience in working in a team-oriented and collaborative environment
- Ablt to understand Writtend English
- Willing to work overtim ein order do teliver project on time
- Able to work under pressure
- Fresh graduated are welcomed to apply
- To develop and maintain web applications in C#.net with MySQL
- Provision of support to existing C#, Web Applications
- To do reporting/data generation from DB routienly and also on ad-hoc basic
- Improve and simplify functionalities on existing applications
- Innovation of technology that can enhance the team's development of operational tools
- Necessary Operational Related tasks
- Age max 30 years old
- Candidate must prossess Bachelor's Degree in Information Technology or equivalent with GPA 3.00
- Required skills in programming languages: C#.net, Java, HTML, Javascript
- Required database skills: MySql, Stored procedures
- Experience in working in a team-oriented and collaborative environment
- Able to understand written english
- Willing to work Overtime in Order to Deliver project on Time
- Able to Work Under Pressure
- Fresh Graduated are welcomed to apply
If you meet to joining Murni Teguh Memorial Hospital please come to:
Walk Interview
Murni Teguh Memorial Hospital
Hari/Tanggal: Kamis, 20 April 2017
Pukul: 11.00 s.d 15.00 WIB
Tempat: Kampus C T5 L4 STMIK-STIE Mikroskil
More Informastion:
Information & Resitration:
Kampus C Lt. II Ruang Adm. Kemahasiswaan
CP: 081361942105, email: mcc@mikroskil.ac.id
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